Friday, August 24, 2012

Take it ,like it is!

I have to get this out of my chest! I am single now, determined, and focusing on music like I have been. I cannot stand superficial friends and guys that surround me. Like I owe them something more,when I receive less? Wow, Relationships, I aint  looking.I usually dont. I got a great band,good handset of pals,health ,family thats all I need and want ,and a future I want to make happen sooner than later. If people want to be in my life or cycle then,they need a good head on their shoulders big heart,down to earth...considerate and confident.! Both women and men. I dont need shady snake whores surrounding my presence or player little boys who ruin my creativity and both takes a toll on my energy and so forth. I can only move foward and not  step back. The past is a past for a legitiment reason both relationships,partnerships and even some friends.

I do not care nor wanna know any drama, I dont have time. I dont wanna be in the middle of nothing cause I am who I am and do what I desire. I have goals like any other. Mine require some space distance,and certain needs.So if you dont fall in that category or boat jump off ,move out my way..Im not stopping for no one or will let anything get in my path. I say this with a pure heart  and respect for anybody reading. lets cut the b.s. (you know who you are)..if you feel bad or guilty"Ding Ding" ,you must of done something wrong and know that I am right at this point.Take it like it is or..dont bother knowing me.
Thanks, Peace n Love

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